Showing posts with label Nadaan Parinde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nadaan Parinde. Show all posts

Monday 16 June 2014

Situations appear to be quite complicated for Meher and Sameer. Their dreams of being together are unfortunately taking an ugly turn. After Meher asks Sameer to marry her, he refuses. What made Sameer reject Meher's proposal?

Meher is disappointed with Sameer for rejecting her. She opens up to Purab about it and it shocks him. Purab begins to get suspicious about Sameer's decision. What is Sameer up to?

Meher finally makes up her mind and decides not to marry Sameer. She has to keep her self-respect intact, right? However, Purab continues to instigate Meher against Sameer. He asks her to stand firm on her decision and tries to find out the truth behind Sameer's rejection. After all, Sameer had agreed to join the army only for Meher's sake. So how could he change his mind so easily? 

Meher wonders how to tell Balbir about this and finally decides to hide the truth from her. It would have been quite difficult for her so she decides to leave the house. We wonder whether Meher really leaves or stays back!

Find out on 'Nadaan Parinde' every Monday-Friday at 6.30pm and 9pm only on Life OK

Monday 2 June 2014

Falling in love is a beautiful thing. But what makes a relationship strong enough to stand the test of time? There may be no such thing as a perfect partner, rather an ideal partner is one with qualities that go beyond looks and success. It is rightly said,  'Love is not just about finding a good partner. It is also about being a good one.'

As we all know, love has no rules. It is a matter of the heart. So don't let another day go without expressing your love for your partner. Follow these tips to show your partner how much you really love them.

Express your love through actions: Small things can make a big difference if we add feelings to it. Let your love shine through your actions just like Anshuman. Anushman says, "I believe in expressing my love for Paakhi through my actions. Actions speak louder than words. That's why, i made an ice-gola for her just to make her feel special."

Acceptance:  A good relationship starts with acceptance. Relationships become strong when partners accept each other just the way they are. Nikhil from 'Gustakh Dil' is talkative and lively while Laajo is the quiet and passive girl from a village. Nikhil says, "Laajo is a very simple and sweet girl. She is from a small town but i love her the way she is."

Learning from conflicts: Relationships become healthier as we learn to resolve conflicts and differences. Accommodating is the best solution or we can say an honourable way to show respect towards your partner. Sameer from 'Nadaan Parinde' believes that, "If i love someone i will fight with her but i will make sure that i also fight for her."

Take care of your partner: Remember, we all love to be pampered especially by the one we love! A hug, a gentle touch can do wonders. Make your partner feel comfortable by being compassionate and understanding.

Surprise your partner: We all love surprises! It can brighten your partner's day. You can leave behind a little romantic note or arrange for a surprise dinner. 

Be a good listener: This often includes sharing feelings and needs. Be approachable when your partner needs you. Avoid aggressive words and tones that may hurt your partner.

And the list goes on and on as being a loving partner entails various qualities.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

The serial 'Nadaan Parinde' has gradually become more intense with the many complicated situations. Currently, we see how Purab begins to fall in love with Meher. Sameer is sent to the army camp for training. But what is going to be the epic change?

The episodes now will focus on Meher's decision to leave Balbir's house. But what makes her do so? Apparently, in the upcoming episodes, Purab will disclose Meher's husband-to-be, Ranveer's hidden secret! He exposes Ranveer's truth by bringing in Lovely Singh, his first wife in the picture. He proves that Sameer  was right, in front of Meher and the entire family.

After realising that Purab saved her marriage, Meher begins to melt down and decides to stay back with Bebe instead of leaving for Amritsar. That's not it! 

A new flavour will emerge in the story. Meher, who always had a negative vibe about Purab, will let go off the past. This will mark the beginning of a friendly bond between Meher and Purab. What's cooking?

There is also a shocking turn. Apparently, Gopi will lose his life. A source from the team shares, “Gopi had been planted at Bebe’s dhaba as a spy by the neighbouring country. And he had been part of a mission wherein he was asked to spy on Sameer. Now with his job over, the boy will be brutally killed by the agents who had hired him in the work. With this, the character of Gopi, essayed by Rudraksh will come to an end.”

Rudraksh Thakur, in response to the statement added, “It was a nice comeback to TV. My role in 'Nadaan Parinde' was appreciated a lot. The character of Gopi was of this innocent boy who got forced to doing immoral stuff. I have also heard that Gopi will be killed in the coming episodes. However, it is for the audience to see.”

Well, you can't miss the upcoming episodes of 'Nadaan Parinde', every Monday-Friday at 9pm only on Life OK.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Sameer realises that he is in love with Meher. But the question is, will Meher confess her love for Sameer or will she still get married?

Well, it seems Sameer does confess his love for Meher. Someone even instigates Sameer to break Meher's wedding. Can you guess who that is? You'll be shocked to know that it's none other than Purab, Sameer's brother. 

As you are already aware, Sameer's mother, Balbir, did not want her son Purab to know about Meher's marriage. She makes sure that Purab is out of town when she gets married. However, that is not exactly what will happen!

According to reports, it seems that Purab will try calling everyone in the family. But when no one attends his call, he becomes suspicious. Finally, Sameer takes his call and tells him about Meher's wedding. Purab then instigates Sameer to reveal something to the family, which will ultimately stop Meher's wedding. What could that be?

Sameer happens to disclose an unknown truth about Meher's husband-to-be, RV to the entire family. Not just that, he also confesses his love for Meher. How do you think Meher and her family will react to this?

Sameer sends out a message to all his viewers, "You will have to watch for the drama to play out.”

So, are you ready for it?

Find out what happens next on 'Nadaan Parinde' every Monday-Friday at 9pm only on Life OK.

Monday 5 May 2014

Looks like Karam Rajpal, the protagonist of 'Nadaan Parinde' had a gala time with his family. We hear that on the 2nd of May Sameer not only celebrated with his family but also enjoyed with his friends. 

Sameer had a double treat! Apparently, last Saturday was his parent's wedding anniversary. So he had two reasons to celebrate! Sameer took two days off from his shoot only to celebrate with his parents. That's really sweet!

Sameer shared another surprise with us. He says, “Yes, my girlfriend brought a huge cake for my birthday. I simply enjoyed a happy time with my family. We went to hang around and then had dinner.” As he celebrated his parent's 28th wedding anniversary, he also shared, “This time, I wanted to celebrate my birthday as well as my parents’ anniversary. Hence I saw to it that I was home."

Did you know?  Karam Rajpal enjoys essaying the role of Sameer in ' Nadaan Parinde' as he accepts that he is very much like Sameer in real life. 

However, Karam says that he is also looking forward to the change in Sameer's character which will be seen in future episodes. He shared, "As of now, I am very similar to what Sameer is. But there are quite a lot of twists coming ahead, which will change the man.”

Wouldn't that be an interesting watch?

Tune in to 'Nadaan Parinde' every Monday-Friday at 9pm only on Life OK for more!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

According to reports, theatre artiste Zahid Ali will play Lt. Colonel Avtar Singh, who will guide the main lead Sameer to progress in life.

The upcoming episodes will unveil the story of Purab, Sameer's elder brother who requests Avtar to guide Sameer. He will ask him to train Sameer to become a responsible and disciplined officer.

It seems that the role of Avtar Singh, a disciplined army officer who usually does not appreciate any reference, happens to believe in determination and hard-work. He demands that every individual who works below him should be hardworking. While trying to train the carefree Sameer, he will be very stern and will put the young fellow through a lot of punishments; just to change him into a responsible individual. Zahid Ali reveals that the journey of Lt. Col. and Sameer going through their rigorous training will be an interesting watch for viewers. Do you agree?

Zahid Ali was noticed by the prominent actress, Deepti Naval in his play called 'Mahabhoj.' He was later seen in the famous movie 'Saudagar'. According to reports, Zahid Ali's entry will go on air in a few days.

Keep watching 'Nadaan Parinde' every Monday-Friday at 6.30 pm and 9 pm only on Life OK.

Thursday 10 April 2014

The Indian soldiers capture a terrorist named Baba Sardaj, while he was trying to cross the border. His associates are furious on learning about his arrest. Baba Sardaj refuses to reveal the truth to the officer.

While Meher and Sameer are as usual hanging out, Meher gives Sameer a difficult challenge. She asks him to fetch gooseberries from across the border. Sameer accepts the challenge to prove his point.

Just when he attempts to cross the border, enemies shoot towards him. Luckily, Sameer's brother Purab saves his life. Sameer's mother, Balbir, finds out about this episode and is quite upset. Balbir is disappointed after finding out about Sameer's misdoing. Later, Sameer goes up to her and apologises, promising never to cross the border again. 

Meher's parents are equally furious with her for going out of the house. Meanwhile, Purab vows to win Meher's love and respect. Sameer's mother Balbir thanks God for saving her beloved son's life and protecting him. She expresses her feelings to a priest in the mosque. The priest assures her of Sameer's well-being.

After her talk with the priest, Balbir notices a goon misbehaving with Meher. She runs to save her life and beats him. Later, Balbir motivates Meher to build her relationship with Purab. But Meher does not share the same feelings as Purab does for her.

Sameer gets stung by bees after he decides to watch a movie. Meher tends to his wounds and her mother finds Sameer sitting behind her on the scooter. She instigates her husband about Balbir and asks him to speak to Meher. 

Interesting start isn't it? Keep watching 'Nadaan Parinde' for more entertainment every Monday-Friday at 6.30pm and 9pm only on Life OK.