The next story to air on this popular crime show has been produced by Saregama India Ltd. The storyline of the episode revolves around a married couples whose roles will be essayed by talented actors like Chirag Dave, who was last seen in 'Main Naa Bhoolungi' and Kaynat Khan, who was last seen in 'Na Aana Iss Des Laado'. Chirag will be seen playing a simple man named Vineet who is head over heels in love with his wife Soumya, played by Kaynat.
As the story progresses, Kaynat will start talking to unseen objects and people. A concerned Vineet believes this to be an illness and decides to take her to a well known psychiatrist, only to learn that his wife has been faking her act all this while.
She wouldn’t be suffering from any disease but will be enacting it all to get rid of her husband. Viewers will also get to see that the reason behind this act will be her illict relationship with another man. When we contacted Chirag, he said, “I essay a loving husband who is being cheated by his wife.”
What will happen when Vineet learns about the same?
Keep watching 'Savdhaan India-India Fights Back' every Monday-Friday at 10.30 pm & Saturday-Sunday at 10 pm only on Life OK
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