The first season was a hit with host Ram Kapoor along with the television celebrities as contestants entertaining the viewers no end. Every week five celebrities would host dinner or lunch at their homes, cook, plan entertainment and invite the other four contestants. At the end of the dinner, the guests would rate the host and give him/her his scores.
The first season managed to capture viewers' attention with their gossip, fights, outbursts, tears, drama and melodrama that entertained the crowd massively. However the new series, which is set to go on air on March 3, is expected to be quite different.
No celebrities hosting the dinner this time. It will be hosted by the common men/women, who will be on the show and cook delicious food. Hmm...sounds 'interesting-licious'!
It seems that the show will have no host at all. Well, we hope to see a different look of the show this time!
Other than Ram Kapoor, who do you think can make the most suitable host for 'Welcome 2 - Baazi Mehmaan Nawaazi Ki'?
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