Jagannath Films, the production unit of 'Savdhaan India', has brought talented actors like Tarun Khanna, Ankur Nayyar, Mamik Singh and Neetha Shetty together in this episode.
As per reports, the story revolves around Adhiraj, a humble person, who returns from US to find the culprit of his murdered parents. The same episode will have Ankur Nayyar play the protagonist. The supporting cast will be essayed by actors like Tarun Khanna, who plays a lawyer and Neetha Shetty, who plays the role of a witch. To add to the excitement, this episode was shot in a palace called Reva in Allahabad.
Every character has been placed differently as they portray important roles. The story gets complex after Devraj, Bhanu Uday and Adhiraj present a crime. The witch plays a pivotal role as she is the one to provide necessary hints about the incident. Ankur says “It was a great experience shooting. I essay a character who is soft spoken and the concept is no less interesting than what one would get to see in a film. ” Tarun Khanna further adds that the shoot for 'Savdhaan India' was his first and he had a lot of fun shooting for the show.
Appears like the team had a great time shooting together! You need to wait and watch what unfolds in this special two-hour episode this 27th April.
Till then, keep watching 'Savdhaan India-India Fights Back' every Saturday-Sunday at 10pm only on Life OK.
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